5 Hidden Dangers of Smoke Damage

Proper clean-up after a fire in your home or business is crucial to minimize the risk of hidden dangers caused by smoke damage.

Explore the top 5 risks, starting with:

Toxic Fumes Could Damage Your Health

Certain materials found throughout the average home — PVC, asbestos, even wood — can create toxic fumes when burned. This makes smoke dangerous to anyone who breathes it in, even after the fire has been extinguished and you assume yourself safe.

Some risky elements you may find in smoke include:

  • Hydrogen chloride
  • Ammonia
  • Sulfur dioxide
  • Carbon monoxide

Increasing Asthma Attacks and Respiratory Complications

Smoke infused with chemicals can remain embedded at the site of a fire if it’s not cleaned properly.

As a result, anyone who spends considerable time in a damaged property could experience respiratory complications when remnants of smoke enter their lungs. This means asthma attacks can be triggered and become much stronger than they would be otherwise.

Irritated Eyes and Skin Causes Discomfort

Smoke remaining in your home after a fire can lead to unpleasant skin- and eye-irritation, leaving them watery, itchy, and generally uncomfortable.

This may be a problem if you tend to suffer from eye or skin conditions anyway: you may not smell the smoke lingering but your body could still respond to its presence. Young children with delicate skin and developing immune systems may experience stronger discomfort.

Smoke residue can cling to clothes, furnishings, linens and more, meaning your skin will come into contact with it regularly unless you have in-depth smoke damage restoration.

Acidic Soot from Smoke and Fire will Corrode Surfaces

Smoke and fire damage can create acidic soot with the power to corrode your surfaces, including metallic materials.

Kitchen surfaces, appliances, shelves, supports and other essential parts of your home could become weakened by smoke damage without a thorough clean.

Smoke Causes Lasting Damage to Your Property

You may assume smoke damage will fade naturally over time, but that’s not the case. Smoke can stain your furniture, walls, possessions and more, permeating woods, drywall and even paint.

Your home could show ongoing signs of smoke damage for years to come, as discoloration occurs in the interior and exterior. Unpleasant odors will remain and make your property feel tainted by fire for a long time.

Choose Professional Smoke Damage Restoration

Smoke damage restoration is essential to make sure your home looks, smells and feels as you want it to after a fire.

Our Berkeley-based team has the training and tools to remove stains on your walls, appliances and more. We eliminate all traces of smells that may trigger respiratory issues, creating a more comfortable, safe environment.